I am thrilled to be featuring a small business that is close to my heart this evening! My cousin, RYAN, launched her own digital art shop in the midst of the chaos that is 2020. That fact alone is one of the reasons I love her as much as I do. In a period that has been full of darkness, her efforts are capturing love & light. RYAN CLEARLY was launched with a commitment to share meaningful moments with her customers.
When I reached out to put together this feature, she generously offered to gift me a print. I thought about a moment in time that I am looking forward to recreating once this pandemic is over. I immediately thought of this day during World Pride 2019 in New York City with Ryan & our cousin, Kitty. I was surrounded by love in all different forms – love from friends, love from my girlfriend, & love from family. We were drinking beers & dancing proudly against the city skyline. It came out beautifully; cannot wait to hang it in my apartment!
I asked RYAN a few questions about starting her own shop. Check out the rest of these questions on my INSTAGRAM story tomorrow.
#1 What was your initial catalyst for launching your digital art business?
Basically, I needed a quarantine hobby! I started using Adobe Illustrator just for fun, and when I started posting my work, people reached out. That, honestly in and of itself is still wild to me.
# 2 How has your creative process evolved over the last few months?
I think the biggest change I’ve seen in creative process is I’m less afraid to take a risk. Before, if I tried to draw something or create something and it didn’t work out in the first couple tries, I would give up, and really never revisit it. But now, I really like to experiment with different styles, and incorporate the experiments into the art folks commission me to do.
#3 Which part of this process has brought you the most joy?
Honestly, when people write to me and tell me how much they love their portrait, or when they tell me it is perfect, or that I captured the subject, it brings such a smile to my face. Because at the end of the day, I want my art to be something that is meaningful to the recipient, even if it is a little abstract.
Every purchase from RYAN CLEARLY will support her efforts to amplify her growing business. By filling out a form with a few basic questions, Ryan can work with you to create a unique, personalized for yourself or a loved one. Without Ryan, many of the ideas I had for this blog may have just stayed in my head. She shot photo after photo for me, especially when I was first starting. She has helped me compile graphics for gift guides. She has been a sounding board as I sought to make strategic decisions over the years.
Above all, she has pushed me to work hard & utilize my platform to share meaningful content as often as I can. Without RCD, EAC would not be what it is today. Ryan – I am so thankful for your support & your creativity over the years.
Check out her ETSY SHOP for a creative option for your next gift! While you are at it, check out HER WRITING PORTFOLIO as well. In order to confirm holiday purchases are received, her confirmed cutoff for gifts this year is 12/08/20. You can absolutely place an order for a delivery date that extends into the new year. With an extra special emphasis on small businesses this year, I thank you in advance for shopping & sharing her shop with your loved ones.