December 2

Today was a blessed day.

Like I mentioned yesterday, I am trying to post something festive during all 25 Days of Christmas. My roommates (Frances, Paola, Marguerite, & Corona) & I attended a special tradition at Boston College tonight – the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Bundled up in big coats in Santa & elf hats, we waited for the lighting, laughing & listening to Christmas music. Father Leahy, our University President, made a little speech when he stepped on stage to begin the ceremony. He discussed how the lighting of a Christmas tree can symbolize many things – our faith, our beliefs, & our commitment to spread light. He reminded us that Christmas is about giving, and as Boston College students, Father Leahy remarked that we are truly fortunate individuals who have so much to share with others. I am trying to remember this as I continue through the holiday season.

After the tree was lit, Sami, my freshman roommate, & her acapella group, the Bostonians, sang one of my favorite songs (Carol of the Bells) as snowflakes started to fall. They killed it as always, and I was suddenly nostalgic for the days Sami & I lived in our little Duchesne room on Newton with tons of sparkly Christmas lights that kept our room lit even after we went to sleep.

Boston College Christmas Tree & Gasson Hall

The Boston College Christmas Tree & Gasson Hall 

Apart from the tree lighting ceremony, here is a little list of five things that made me feel joyful.

  • Appreciating the decorations that have popped up all over campus
  • Listening to Christmas music while at my office job & while cleaning my dorm room
  • Eating the chicken parmesan my dad (lovingly) packed up for me while I was home for Thanksgiving
  • Planning a special Christmas visit with my cousin this weekend
  • Feeling peaceful despite the impending craziness of finals

O'Neill LIbrary Lights

Image via Instagram

What was a moment that brought light into your life today? #25DAYSOFSTYLESILIKE


#STYLESILIKE are meant to be shared.


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