The start of September usually signifies change. Cooler weather begins, folks return from vacations to resume normal routines, & my birthday celebrations start. This year, the beginning of the month brings a new transition that involves both stress & gratitude.
After three years of living in the West Village, Marguerite & I have decided to end our lease. I cried multiple times this week at the significance of leaving my first New York City home near Washington Square Park. Please note that I will be putting together a much bigger post on why living with her was infused with joy from beginning to end. Earlier this week, she put up a sentimental post about the end of our times as roommates.
Our home had its challenges – limited windows in our common living spaces, a kitchen that barely qualified as a kitchen, & a semi-regular low tide smell in the morning coming from the oyster bar next door. It was very much a first apartment in the Big Apple.
Yet, several people commented on Marguerite’s photo with their sadness that we were leaving this spot. It softened the blow to know that our apartment was a home for friends & family while traveling, a celebratory spot for pre-games & post-games, & overall a place to pop champagne any day of the week. The space we created for our community & the West Village itself can never be replicated, but I will honor the time we spent there always.
So, why am I leaving? Steph & I have decided to move in together! As we have been dating for over four years, we are ready for the next chapter. I am certain that building a home together will only increase my feelings of love for her.

A few snaps from those last moments as a West Village resident. I am blessed that my final hour was full of light that showered the sidewalk with rainbows. Now… on to the next neighborhood!