A love/hate relationship with August is a common sentiment. Summer is a fleeting, jam-packed season. By the start of this month, the reality of the end is near. I’ve had a dozen conversations bemoaning this fact with friends, co-workers, & family. Rather than focus on my sadness, I am setting my intentions for the rest of this month to ensure joy & thoughtfulness define the next few weeks.
I am not really a sweet tooth, but I crave frozen treats in the summer. Currently, the chocolate shake with whipped cream from BIG GAY ICE CREAM is my favorite in the city. I am going to take the long way home from work sometime soon to grab one. Later in the month, my siblings are planning a trip upstate. A trip into town for chocolate & vanilla twists with rainbow sprinkles at our local spot is a must.
Since summer is quick, it can be tough to make time for date nights in-between travel, celebrations, etc. I committed to carving out nights for Steph & I specifically for us at the end of last month. Tonight, we are heading to the SEAPORT CINEMA, an outdoor movie venue in the Seaport District. It looks like a lovely spot!
I am trying to build back up the habit of reading more in general – on the subway, before bed at night, or on the couch when I would usually be watching Instagram stories. I have read three new books this summer – BUFFERING: UNSHARED TALES OF A LIFE FULLY LOADED, COMMONWEALTH, & MY BRILLIANT FRIEND. My goal is to read two more books by the end of the season. Any can’t miss books to add to my list?
Picking up the phone makes me feel connected to my loved ones. I am not creating a checklist of who to call or when to call, but I am writing this out to affirm my commitment. I hold myself more accountable when I know others are aware of my plans.
Dining al fresco with a drink in hand is a quintessential summertime joy. I am hoping to plan at least two-three outdoor dinners in the city soon, favoring spots with a unique cocktail menu. Additionally, I am going to be mixing up cocktails for my siblings while we were all at the lake together.

A quick plug for a summer staple I truly loved- MY J.CREW JEWELED SANDALS. This pair is currently on sale & available in all sizes. The photos from this blog post are from my trip to Europe with Steph earlier this summer. Starting to sort through them has inspired me to share more details on the blog, which I will be doing soon. Stay tuned!
What is important for you to focus on in the final stretch of lazy vacation days & long nights?