Five Things I Like

Obsessing over the work of Cupcakes and Cashmere writer, Emily Schuman, is a sentiment every blogger in the entire world can understand.

I have decided to start a C&C inspired Five Things blog series. This weekly post is one of my favorite features of Emily’s blog, as it is a constant mix of unique, creative, and beautiful images of her glamourous life in California.

I want this post, as it is for Emily, to be a quick way to share my favorite mini moments of inspiration from the week. As my blog is entitled Styles I Like, I have decided to call this weekly post {Five Things I Like}.

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Cupcakes and Cashmere Author, Emily Schuman

 This past Monday, my mother and my sister, Kerry, made the considerable trek across the Atlantic Ocean to spend some time with me as I continue my semester abroad. I spent the past five days traveling across Ireland with them, laughing heartily and loving the feeling of having family in my foreign home.


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{Perfect Timing}

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{Baby Presents}

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{Bed & Breakfast China}

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{Magic Castles}

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  {Primark Socks + Brian Gavin Diamond Pendant = Jewels on Jewels}

I hope YOU liked my first Five Things I Like post, and I would love to hear something small that inspired you in a big way this past week. Best wishes for a good start to your Monday.

Personally, I am crossing my fingers for more rainbows.

Stylishly Yours,

Erin ★

Looking to stay up-to-date on even more Styles I Like?

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