Wear Blue Everyday

Today, I am wearing blue. My blue Chinese Student’s Association from my from my jiating mother, Krystle. My new striped blue shirt from aerie. My blue belt and blue legging jeans from the GAP. I am wearing blue in honor of World Autism Awareness Day.

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Check out these facts from Autism Speaks to learn how autism affects people everyday, then check out their advocacy page to see how you can help the cause!

Did you know …

  • Autism now affects 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys
  • Autism prevalence figures are growing
  • Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
  • Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average
  • Autism receives less than 5% of the research funding of many less prevalent childhood diseases
  • Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism
  • There is no medical detection or cure for autism

You may not be able to wear blue everyday, but everyday you can empower yourself to help autism speak.

Stylishly Yours,

Erin ★

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