It has been a while since my last post, but I am so happy to be writing here tonight. This hiatus has been my longest since I started blogging back in 2012. To be frank – the stress of the past few years caught up to me. There was constant overwhelm – personal responsibilities, day to day news, COVID anxiety, & professional stressors. I believe in the power of storytelling during trying times. Yet, I found I just didn’t have the energy or motivation to share online very much during this period. I never intentionally made a decision to stop; it was likely a sign of burn-out that I hardly noticed certain activities (like writing) were dropping off my interest radar.
On a lighter note, I also discovered that I had locked myself out of WordPress. Yes, I am embarrassed to share that, but it happens. I figured out how to reset it a few weeks ago after (finally) realizing the email to unlock my account was going to my spam folder. I was worried for a while that I wouldn’t be able to ever re-access my content. It is a huge relief just to be typing on these pages.

For the past month or so, Steph & I have been working remotely in California. This change of scenery on the West Coast plus a week-long vacation at the end of our trip revitalized my spirit. Upon our return, I am feeling such an appreciation for the life we have built in this city.
I had several folks check in to ask if I was going to start posting here again. I am making a conscious choice to not be ashamed of stepping back during this strange time. While I still feel the effects of stress pretty regularly, I have also made a number of changes in my life take better care of myself. Right now, I feel more aligned to my sense of purpose & my commitment to joy. I am proud that I will hit “publish”. There is power in recognizing that we can all start again.